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Song: Return to something new

Some background music for you

You've been seeing a lot of my woodworking on here, but I also like playing and making music. Once in a while I'll work up a full song on my own and toss it on my youtube. I produced this over a year ago, and decided to make an interesting visualizer video to go with it.

It had been some time since I had created any music, so this felt like somewhat of a "restart" of something I hadn't continued. But I believe as long as we continue learning in our daily lives, we never return to something the same way we left it. And while this song may not sound drastically different that some of my others (some of which you'll see here in the future), I felt like I was taking some different approaches to it after having taken some time off, and different approaches always feel like growth to me.

I produced the song with Propellerheads Reason software, and my Akai MPK Mini midi controller. If you're not in the audio/music world, none of that means anything to you. In laymen's terms, I made it using a computer program and a little piano keyboard. The video I created using Unreal Engine, which is a robust game engine limited only by your imagination and (more-so) technical skill. As an example of it's flexibility, I typically use Unreal Engine to do 3d architectural visualization work, and first and foremost, it's used to create video games.

I do currently have a specific and pretty ambitious music project in mind for the future, so let's hope I can bring that to fruition at some point. No spoilers though. Until then, you'll just have to put up with some of my old stuff!


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